Thursday, June 18, 2009

the same thing

Uhh! I still learned about the behaviour of being a dedocated and professional doctor yesterday. I felt bored and it would not come any benefit to me but it actually could correct my my thought that being a doctor did not need any learning of behaviour language.

Discharge instruction guidelines. It seemed intersting after mentioning these three words directly. Before a person was allomed to went home, some procedures must be faced. I thought it seemed such legal procedures. Haaahhaahaa. They were only simple procedures. The patient must be diagnosed for the last time before he or she can relax and take new fresh air and green environment. For me, it seemed life in a jail when a person have an treatment in hospital.

At home, it does mean that a patient can continue his or her life with previous lifesyle before attacked by certain diseases. The patient needs to face some taboos. For me, t think it is suffering. So, as a conclusion everybody should take care seriously on their health. Keep the body fit. Hehehehee......